Formation COurses
Our spiritual formation courses are designed to support the 365³Ô¹Ï²¿Âä discipleship initiative. It our heartfelt desire that every student’s 365³Ô¹Ï²¿Âä experience is not merely an academic endeavor, but a transformational encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ and the Great Commission He calls all of us to carry out! (Matt 28:19-20; 2 Tim 2:2).
Spiritual Formation 1 (MSSF 3011)
This course is designed to aid the student to process their spiritual life under the guidance of the professor. It includes analysis of a proper view of God’s character, cultivating Christ-likeness, and helping the student to process the battles of his or her soul and a study of right responses to walking by the Spirit. It includes a study of relational wisdom, and such matters as anger, fear, guilt, trial, self-acceptance, and moral purity.
Spiritual Formation 2 (MSSF 3012)
This course picks up where MSSF 3011 left of and is designed to aid the student to process their spiritual life under the guidance of the professor. It includes analysis of a proper view of God’s character, cultivating Christ-likeness, and helping the student to process the battles of his or her soul and a study of right responses to walking by the Spirit. It includes a further study of relational wisdom, as well as such matters as anger, fear, guilt, trial, self-acceptance, and moral purity.
Spiritual Formation 3 (MSSF 3313)
MSSF 3313 picks up where MSSF 3012 left off, the third in a series of courses designed to help the student engage in the Four Dimensions of the 365³Ô¹Ï²¿Âä Discipleship Journey and progress in their spiritual life under the guidance of the professor. Because discipleship is not just an individual pursuit, but ultimately a matter of community, this course and MSSF 4314 will require participation in small groups. In addition to a study of the Kingdom Man/Woman curriculum, the student will also become familiar with tools and materials useful to the disciple-making process.
Spiritual Formation 4 (MSSF 4314)
MSSF 4314 is the fourth and capstone in a series of courses designed to help the student engage in the Four Dimensions of the 365³Ô¹Ï²¿Âä Discipleship Journey. This course completes the journey and assesses the progress made along the journey. It continues the small group participation launched in MSSF 3313 and seeks to bring that experience to a conclusion with each student preparing a Ministry Vision Statement. This course will engage the student in the development of two critical skills for ministry in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic world – namely, how to graciously navigate diverse cultures and how to be rightly involved in race relations. Students will study material prepared by Dr. Charles Ware and Grace Relations as they prepare to disciple the nations in fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Christian Service Learning Program (MCSP 2011)
The Christian Service Learning Program is a supervised ministry process that is designed to help students develop and enhance their commitment and competence in ministry by promoting the practical outworking of the biblical, theological, and theoretical principles learned in the classroom setting.